At Atlas Walk Dental & Orthodontics, we make every effort to preserve and save your natural teeth. In some cases, however, removing a tooth is the best way to restore your oral health. Our team offers simple and surgical tooth extractions to remove problematic, impacted, or hopeless teeth. A simple extraction is performed on teeth that are visible above the gumline and can be easily removed. Teeth that are impacted (trapped in gum or bone) or unerupted, broken, or severely damaged require surgical extraction techniques. Wisdom teeth often lack the necessary space to fully erupt and are commonly removed with surgical tooth extractions. No matter your tooth extraction needs, Dr. Adi and the Atlas Walk team take a gentle approach and special care to ensure your comfort throughout your procedure. Our skilled general dentists also offer sedation dentistry services to help you relax and enjoy an anxiety-free visit. To learn more about tooth extractions from our Gainesville, VA team, contact our office and schedule a consultation today.
Tooth Extractions Reviews
Best Candidates
The team at Atlas Walk Dental does everything it can to repair teeth that are decayed, worn, broken, or damaged with restorative procedures like fillings and crowns. However, teeth that are beyond repair often need to be removed from your mouth to bring health back to your smile. Our team may recommend tooth extractions for teeth that are severely decayed, abscessed, broken at the gumline, cracked, or extremely worn down. Teeth that have lost their bone support due to advanced gum disease and impacted wisdom teeth may also require extractions. Retained baby (deciduous) teeth and bicuspid (premolar) teeth may need to be removed to facilitate orthodontic treatment plans. Our team will review your oral condition and discuss the extraction procedure if it is determined that removing teeth is the best way for you to achieve better oral health. We will also discuss options for replacing an extracted tooth, including a dental implant, bridge, or denture.
What To Expect
Our general dentists perform tooth extractions in our comfortable state-of-the-art treatment rooms. A member of the Atlas Walk team will begin the extraction procedure by numbing the tooth, gums, bone, and surrounding area with a local anesthetic. To help keep you comfortable, we also offer oral sedation and nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas). Once you are numb, our doctors will use special oral surgery instruments to gently elevate the tooth out of its socket. Teeth that require surgical extractions are accessed through a small incision made within the gum tissue. Impacted or severely damaged teeth may need to be sectioned and removed in pieces to minimize the trauma to surrounding tissues. When the teeth are removed, we will suture the gums and rinse the area. If the tooth was removed due to infection, you may be given a prescription for antibiotics to take following your visit. Over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, or prescription pain medication may be recommended to help you remain comfortable while you recover.
During the healing phase following your extraction, it is important to avoid smoking, spitting, or drinking through a straw. This could dislodge the clot forming in the extraction site and lead to a condition known as a dry socket. You should also stick to a soft food diet and avoid hot or warm food and drinks for the first few days after your procedure. Our team will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your teeth and gums while you heal. Swelling in the jaw may occur, and can be minimized with cold compresses. A few days after your procedure, we will have you return to our office so that a member of the Atlas Walk team can check your extraction site and healing progress. We also recommend that you keep regularly scheduled appointments for cleanings and exams to continue routine care for your oral health.
Insurance Coverage
Tooth extractions are typically covered by most insurance dental plans. However, sedation services may be an added expense. We will contact your provider to learn about your plan benefits and coverage amounts. Atlas Walk Dental & Orthodontics accepts most PPOs and will process your claim on your behalf. If your insurance does not fully cover your care or you do not have dental insurance, our team is happy to work with you to find affordable payment options. We accept patient-financing through CareCredit® along with several other convenient payment methods.
Simple and Surgical Extraction
Removing a tooth may be the best path toward better oral health. If you have a tooth that is broken, impacted, or otherwise unsalvageable, a tooth simple or surgical tooth extraction from Atlas Walk Dental & Orthodontics may be the ideal treatment for you. Our team can also discuss options for replacing your extracted tooth, such as with a dental implant, bridge, or partial denture. Contact our friendly Gainesville, VA practice today for your exam and consultation.